My son, Blake, likes to tell jokes and he also likes to make up jokes. The problem is that his jokes don't always make sense. Take for example the following. He liked the joke, "Why is the 6 afraid of the 7? Because 7 8 9." When he finally understood that the number 8 was being used as ate he laughed so hard and then made up the following: "Why is the 3 afraid of the 4? Because 3 4 5!!...... Get when you order a pizza for somebody...get it 4 somebody.......?!?" No, we didn't get it and he was getting frustrated because we couldn't see the humor in it. We tried to explain that just because a word can be used as a homophone it doesn't make it funny. So little by little he has gotten pretty clever at making up some jokes.

I am pleased to present his Valentine from school as evidence that he is getting better.
He had to pick a handful of Conversation Heart candies and then make a story from them. His made me laugh so I thought I'd share.