June brought the end of the school year, visitors, Emma's 1st birthday, a pioneer trek, a trip to Yuma, and an anniversary.
Blake graduated from elementary school and will be attending Middle School next year.
Blake graduated from elementary school and will be attending Middle School next year.
Way to go!

We had the great pleasure of having our friends stay several days with us. Brandon and Michelle have been our friends since our BYU days. We met just a few weeks after we each got married and we left Utah when we each had two children.
Now we each have 5 and even though we have lived hundreds of miles apart and I have only seen her once in the last 10 years we have always been able to pick up right where we left off.
I am so thankful for good friends who love to live the gospel.
They have been a tremendous source of inspiration.
We love you guys!
On June 4, our branch had the privilege of hosting a dinner for Sister Silvia Allred of the General Relief Society Presidency. Before she left for the airport on Saturday, I got to have lunch with her and 6 other people. I am grateful for her kindness and for the tender words she spoke.

Can you believe Emma is a year?
(How sad is it that she doesn't even get her own post? Almost as sad as the fact that her only present was a car seat. How's that for practicality? It was pink, though.)
We love this sweet little girl!! 

On June 18, our family was able to participate in a youth pioneer trek. We were asked to portray a pioneer family digging a grave for the burial of a child. Yes, I cried. I cried when we were asked to do it. I cried each time the different companies came by. I couldn't help but think of our own pioneer ancestors and the hardships they experienced as they pushed handcarts. And I cried as I thought of dear friends who have had to bury two of their children. I am thankful for the gospel and that because of the priesthood, families are bound by a power that is eternal. 

We also had cousin Rachel come stay with us. We wish she would have stayed longer and look forward to visiting with her and the rest of the family at the reunion.
We also went to Disneyland a few times.
The end of the month found us in a car driving the 3 1/2 hour trip to Yuma.

We stayed at Edna's house while she and Chris went on a cruise.
I got to spend the week with my two adorable nieces.
On June 28, Dan and I celebrated 14 years of wedded bliss.I got to spend the week with my two adorable nieces.
It has been the best 14 years of my life.
I love that man.
i really enjoy your reading your blog gabby! i was smiling, then laughing, then crying, then laughing again...looks like you've had an eventful and exciting summer so far:)
Look like you have been busy! I love that you got to go on Trek. That's one thing that I would love to do.
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