Sunday, July 13, 2008

Where's the robber when I need him?

Yes. I got locked out of my house again. We were getting ready to leave for church and I was putting Joshua in his car seat when I saw Blake fiddle with the door and close it. "Don't lock the door!"....too late. He had locked it. My keys, purse, diaper bag, church bag, etc. were all inside. Since the break-in we have been really good about locking all of the doors and windows so there was no way we were going to be able to get in the house. I went to my sweet neighbor's house again and used her phone to call Dan. I knew he was in a meeting so I had to call him 3 times in a row before he picked up his phone. We waited the 20 minutes it took for Dan to get home. Dan saved the day!

On to other mishaps....our air conditioner broke this afternoon. Although there was a bit of a breeze outside today an air conditioner still is necessary, in my opinion. We're still in July and we have all of August left to deal with the heat. So we will be calling someone tomorrow so that we can pay him $50 to have him tell us that the only way we can get this fixed is to spend $5000 to replace it. (It's been on its last leg for a while but let's cross our fingers that it's not completely dead) We will just add it to the List of Things We Need to Get To But Really Don't Have the Time or Energy/Desire to Fix Immediately. It will take top spot, though, over the dishwasher and microwave.


anna marie said...

You poor thing. Sounds stressful. We miss being in the branch with you guys. We'll have to get together for dinner or something.

Pattersons said...

oh my! you guys have had a rough couple of weeks! i wish we had more time in betwen mtgs. on sunday to talk-everytme i see you i want to stop and chat-we'll have to get together soon!

Stephenie said...

Hey lookie here i got a blogspot! I can only take so much of Ericka's begging before i cave ;) Locked out of your house?! no fun. At least you know your kids are responsible when it comes to locking doors...?