Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dan!

Today is Dan's birthday. Can I just say that he's the best?!

34 Reasons why we love our husband/father:

1. He

2. is

3. always

4. making

5. sure

6. that

7. our

8. family

9. does

10. the

11. things

12. that

13. we

14. are

15. supposed

16. to

17. be

18. doing.

19. His

20. actions

21. make

22. it

23. clear

24. that

25. we

26. are

27. his

28. top

29. priority.

30. He

31. is

32. forgiving

33. when

34. his wife doesn't make him an amazing birthday gift/card.

Happy Birthday, Dan! We love you!!!


PEHNelson said...

Once again..."Mother/Wife of the year award" should be arriving any minute!

PEHNelson said...

Man I wish I could see a close up of that really nice red bulletin board that I see in the background!! I wonder if staples would have anything that could help with a project like that?!?!?!