Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election 2008

I must say that I've been super emotional these last several weeks. Being called a bigot for supporting Prop 8 doesn't sit well with me. So with all of this happening I have shed many a tear. The election coverage last night made me almost more nauseated than I've been. (hint, hint ;) As of this morning Prop 8 has been declared as passing. However, it's not over. There is much to be said in the upcoming weeks and months. Ok...enough of Prop 8 and let's move on to the next President.

I must say that it was emotional to me (again, I've been too emotional anyways) to see Obama give his acceptance speech. I explained to the boys the significance of the moment, regardless of the fact that he wasn't who we voted for. (I could have voted for McCain 1 million times and I still don't think he would have won California.)

But I'm optimistic, I'm hopeful, and I'm worried, too. One of the issues that concerns me alot is immigration. I had really thought that this issue was going to define this election but it was not to be, the economy trumped it. Both candidates supported a worker-program type program. Being in a Spanish branch at church with amazing hard working people, I've been hoping that the way would open up for them to be able to work legally and support their families. It has been our experience that the majority of the people who we know who are in this country illegally are incredibly amazing. Their stories of survival are humbling and it makes me so grateful that my parents immigrated to the United States and that I was born here. I can't imagine what it would have been like living in another country. So I hope with Obama as president we can have laws that would help those who are already here, send back the ones who are in prison, and find a way to facilitate the process/paperwork/runaround of those who may want to come here. you know more of my politics than perhaps you wanted to know. I really hope we can move on and that our elected officials will not entirely bring this country down the toilet. But if they do we can always call Joe the Plumber. (Sorry, couldn't resist!)


Joy said...

Yeah for Prop 8. Hey I'll be a bigot with you any day :) And I'm with you we can always press forward and keep the FAITH

MAB said...

I got the hint! Congratulations!!!

Chredna said...

Chris asks....Is Oprah still on your Tivo? "Two words...MR.PRESIDEEEEENT!"

Tricia said...

Congrats!!! Hope you're feeling well...we're so excited for you!