Monday, November 24, 2008

To Buy or Not to Buy??...Well....It depends...


Is it wrong that a pregnant 33 year old is considering buying Depends? Luckily I haven't thrown up as much this pregnancy but it is sad that each time I go to the store I consider whether or not I have the nerve to put them in my cart.


Joy said...

Congrates! I couldn't be more happy for you, not about buying the Depends, but on the upcoming new arrival!:) You always make me smile.

Jayme said...

Congrats on the pregnancy!! Yay! I would just go ahead and buy the depends.....I was at walmart and some guy had his whole cart full of them. no biggie. :)

Chredna said...

How long have i been telling you! Get them! They have very nice styles and no one will know you're wearing one! Ha HA!

Linsey F said...

Is there anything wrong with a 23 year old pregnant lady considering buying depends? I almost did after my first. We will see what happens at 25---if I need them this time, I will let you know which ones are good! Oh the things we do for our children!

Pattersons said...

yay for baby! and don't worry, you're not alone...i've thought about throwing them in my cart as well and i'm 32;)

anna marie said...

DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! This is Mese if you haven't guessed already.